2010 m. lapkričio 30 d., antradienis

End of ESP course Self-assessment

To begin with, It is obvious that my performance is better than in the previous semesters. In my opinion there are things that I had learned better than others. Thus, I am going to review my performance on different skills of ESP course.

Firstly, to my surprise my performance on ESP vocabulary tests were the worst in last session. Logically It would be conversely. On the other hand, modules were more confusing in this semester. In fact of these, the performance on this skill were worse.

Secondly, comparing my performance on summaries writing with first and last semesters, I can observe that I didn’t increase my grammar skill, but I learned how I can better generalize texts. This improvement can be for several reasons. For example, I learned more English words, thus I could use they in forming my thought.

Other theme I would like to focus on my performance on moodle tests. We had been doing these worksheets only for two semesters. Comparing evaluations, marks of last semester is higher than in the first. In my view, I had done better multiple choice and filling in blanks exercises because I made every effort. Similarly, in this session we had done analogous online exercises in order to better prepare for our ESP vocabulary tests. In my opinion, it helped for me to get higher marks and also it was interesting to check knowledge.

Likewise, I assume that my listening skill increased for several reasons. First of them is that I had been listening my classmates and instructress for three semesters. The more I listened them, the better I understood what they spoken. Second reason is frequent online and traditional listening in class. It is without doubt that when I listened these, I increased my listening skills because I listened people, whose grammar and pronunciation are correct.

In my opinion the worst is my speaking performance. There were these tasks of speaking: impromptu and ready made speech (short talk). I didn’ enjoy both of these activities, but in my opinion I spoken better when I were ready than I weren’t.

The last exercise is Power Point Presentation. Comparing all three presentations, in my opinion the best was the last. It was due to my habit to class and in fact oh this I didn’t experience stress when I spoken publicly. What is more, through the time that I had been learning ESP, I increase grammar, speaking and listening skills. Thus, I could use this knowledge when I prepared for presentation.

In conclusion, it is obvious that course of ESP gave me only benefits. Due to different activities through all semesters, I increased my performance in various skills.



2010 m. lapkričio 8 d., pirmadienis

Behavior and Disorders

To begin with, there are many types of behavior disorder, thus I would like to focus only on disorders, which usually appear in childhood and adolescence.

Behavior disorders are conditions that are more than just disruptive behavior. They are related to mental health problems that lead to disruptive behavior, emotional and social problems. A young person is said to have a behaviour disorder when he or she demonstrates behaviour that is noticeably different from that expected in the school or community.Like learning disabilities, behaviour disorders are hard to diagnose. There are no physical symptoms or discrepancies in the body that are observable or measurable. Behaviour disorders are therefore identified by observing behaviour patterns in the child over a period of time. If a child displays some of the following behaviours he may be labeled with a behaviour disorder:

1. Aggression to people and animals. Some people may say that the child is wicked to others and cruel to animals.2. Destruction of property- defacing school desks, graffiti, vandalism, etc.3. Little empathy and concern for others. Shows no feelings when another is in pain, nor remorse for unkind deeds.4. Takes no responsibility for behaviour. Also lies, cheats and steals easily.

In addition to these general symptoms of a behaviour disorder, there are other symptoms characteristic of more specific behaviour disorders such as ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder, Bipolar disorder and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder). I would like to rewiev some of them:

The Obsessive/Compulsive Disorder is demonstrated by repeated and persistent thought or impulses that are unwanted and cause severe discomfort in the person. For example, a child may constantly imagine that there are monsters lurking everywhere. The behaviour is compulsive when it is repeated persistently without satisfaction, e.g. counting numbers, washing hands all the time.

ADHD- this is the classic inattentive, can’t-sit-still behaviours. The attention span is very short and the behaviour is impulsive at times. The child also seems quite distracted and forgetful.

Behaviour disorders come from brain injury, child abuse, trauma, etc. There have also been indications that it could be a genetic disorder. The behaviour therefore is an involuntary response to these experiences and the child should not be blamed for his behaviour. A child with a behaviour disorder will feel bad about himself and that low self-esteem will be further worsened by the adults around him who do not treat his condition with understanding and willingness to help. Too often the child is blamed for his unacceptable behaviour and instead of being supported to deal with it he is castigated and alienated. There is, therefore, a thin line between behvaiour disorder, emotional disorders and learning disabilities.

In conclusion, in my view it is important to know that behaviour disorders are best dealt with by behaviour therapy and psychotherapy. It is also important in trying to modify the behaviour to be clear about what is the behaviour you are expecting. For example, expecting a three year old to sit quietly through a long church service may not be reasonable.


1. http://www.google.lt/imgres?imgurl=http://homeschoolingaddkids.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/bad-kid.jpg&imgrefurl=http://sites.google.com/a/sveikata.tv/medik/straipsniai/ilgiaukaipdvivalandosprieekranodidinavaikupsichologiniuproblemurizika&usg=__TjA6Nive-7JduS8iAjyir41F4Co=&h=427&w=640&sz=52&hl=lt&start=65&sig2=D2526Rb-HgDUTONTdui18g&zoom=1&tbnid=lh73fM8WTRPiZM:&tbnh=159&tbnw=211&ei=tTTYTM7yCMSOjAeevITiCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Delgesio%2Bsutrikimai%26hl%3Dlt%26biw%3D1221%26bih%3D818%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10,2500&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=134&vpy=232&dur=2207&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=168&ty=155&oei=kzTYTNm8O8SytAalv5GUCA&esq=4&page=4&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:65&biw=1221&bih=818

2. http://www.essortment.com/all/behaviourdisord_recu.htm

3. http://www.behaviordisorders.net/

2010 m. rugsėjo 23 d., ketvirtadienis

Psychology of handwriting

To begin with, it is very interesting why each of us has different handwriting? Handwriting, also known as brain writing, is as individual to the person as fingerprints. Occupations, relationships, personal problems as well as health related issues can be identified in a person's writing. Analyzing handwriting goes back to the 1600s and originated in Europe. Confucius is quoted as saying "beware of a man whose writing sways like a reed in the wind".

It is very useful to know what traits can be found while analyzing handwriting? Many traits can be shown provided the writing is in cursive, because printing has some limitations. Cursive provides the analyst with the upstrokes in writing which are very important.

Many personality traits including being outgoing, temper, anger towards the opposite sex, sexual deviations, generosity, broadmindedness, lying nature and hundreds more can be found when analyzing handwriting.

Handwriting does have limitations. Handwriting cannot tell the writer's gender, whether they are left or right handed, their age or their race. It also cannot tell the future or the past.

There is no such thing as a good or bad handwriting. Actually, each individual's handwriting is unique, and the chances of two persons having identical handwriting are one in a billion, So how does handwriting reveal your innermost secrets? And most importantly, how can you improve your life by changing your handwriting? Bringing out a deck of grapho handwriting trait cards and proceeding to illustrate the way one can make out certain stock traits in a person through handwriting, he says: "There are 72 typical personality traits that are revealed in certain styles of forming letters of the alphabet. These are present in different permutations and combinations in every person. For example, the way you cross the letter t reveals almost 17 things about you. If a person is crossing the t at a low point, then he has a low self-esteem, but if he is crossing it at a higher point then he has a much better sense of self-worth."

Interestingly, Baggett says that one's handwriting develops till the age of 17, and parents can help modify a child's handwriting to change certain personality traits in him.

Handwriting is very interesting because not only can change people’s personality and watch people’s writing change as well, but also the reverse is true! Sometimes there are personality traits that person wishes he did not have, but he didn't know how to get rid of them. One way to change person’s personality is to use handwriting therapy, also known as graphotherapy. The person learns how to change their writing to rid themselves of unwanted traits, and practices this under the watchful eye of a trained graphologist. Handwriting analysis is becoming a recognized part of therapy

Analyzing handwriting has many different facets. For instance, it is used in the court of law when dealing with d
ocument forgery. Companies are beginning to hire handwriting analysts to assist them in finding the right person for the right job. This is because handwriting analysis is a science – it is not guesswork. It is used as a tool to determine the compatibility of an individual to the requirements of a job as well as the compatibility of one individual to another.

In conclusion, writing analysis is very interesting and has endless possibilities. The focus must be on the individual. There is no set formula to tell you how to be successful in life, but if you can understand the way your subconscious mind works, then the solution must be tailor-made for your requirements." So, if changing your handwriting can really change your life
for the better, then it is time you picked up a pen and began writing right!


2010 m. gegužės 14 d., penktadienis

Self Assessment

I have been learning English language for specific purposes for one year. I am very glad that I had been learned various skills. For example, I had done the task of moodle tests, I had done better my performance on listening skills, speaking impromtu, speaking short talks. Also I had written many summaries. Thus, I would like to review all of these aspects.

To begin with, I am going to analyse my performance on moodle tests. Primarily, I would like to emphasize that a task like this we had not done in first term. Thus, despite the fact that we can do this work at home, I find this task too hard to do. It occupies many time due to the sentences in worksheet, which are not written identically on the particular module. Therefore, a person must think how he can rephrase the sentence rationally. In my opinion, it isn’t very easy, but it is useful for understanding language.

Secondly, comparing ESP definition tests in class, with two semester, letter term was more difficulty for me than first. The structure of these two type of task differs. For instance, in first term on the list were half multiple choice and half definition writing tasks. In contrast, in recent term there are tasks only on definition writing. It is clear that it is harder, but to my surprise I had done better marks, because I had spend many time initially. Day by day I am spending less time for preparation on this work due to my proficiency.

Thirdly, my performance on summary writing is similar with two semester. In this session we had written different type of summary. Also requirements of summary are different. In previous term we written restatement summaries, in second we generally written analytical ones. In my opinion, in fact of this, I didn’t improved my summary writing skills. And I would like to add that analytical summary writing is more interesting for me, because I can think, compare and interpret texts.

Fourthly, in my view my performance on speaking in class is the worst of all skills. I had red all modules and translated all words, which were unknown for me because reading the texts of psychology was interesting for me. But when I must talk in class, I can’t because I think that my grammar skills are bad. Conversely, speaking impromptu is easier for me than retell information, which is written in modules, because of wish to tell all point that are on my mind. Comparing my performance on PPP and short talks with other speaking tasks, they are better because I can rehearsal the information at home.

Other skill is writing in web blog. For me it is the most interesting task, because it is new. In fact of this, in my opinion, my performance on this is good because I have intrinsic motivation to do it.

The last skill is listening in class. In my opinion I improved it in this year because I tried to listen once a week a speech of psychologists on the internet.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that I waste my time useful and meaningfully when I am learning English language in class and independently. I expect that I improved my performance on English language in various skills.

2010 m. balandžio 25 d., sekmadienis

Psychology of behavior

To begin with, behavioral psychology is basically interested in how our behavior results from the stimuli both in the environment and within ourselves. There are different theories developed by psychologists like Freud, Erikson and Maslow. There are many psychologists, so it is almost impossible to tell something about all of them. Thus, I would like to focus on some theories with divergent views about how to explain human behavior.

Firstly, biological basis can influence treatment. Behavior, which can vary from driving a car to making a difficult mathematical exercise, depends on various processes in the human body. The relation between these processes is regulated by the nervous system.

Secondly, like other social species, humans live in groups and depend on one another for survival. The most basic requirement of a social group is that of mutual beneficence -- members of the group must coordinate their actions so that they help one another more than they harm one another -one for all and all for one. And there are many aspects, which help us to do it. For instance, social emotions. Natural selection has provided us with mechanisms that serve to attract us to the social group and to help us coordinate our behaviors with those of others in the group. To a great extent, these mechanisms produce emotional states in us. Emotional expression can communicate important information to other group members, and such communication is likely to help those others coordinate their behavior so as to serve the needs of the emotional individual and the group. For example:

  • Sadness is a cry for help. If the individual is still valued by the group, then expressions of sadness should elicit helping behavior from other group members.
  • Expressions of love signal that one is receptive to intimacy.
  • Anger warns others that their behavior is offensive and should be changed.
  • Happiness communicates one’s pleasure with the company of others.

Smiling is very interesting for me, because several studies of persons in natural settings have shown that people only smile when they are around others. We may sometimes be happy when we are alone, but apparently we only smile when we are with others.

Other factor, which influences person’s behavior is social pressure. At any given moment, there are likely to be several forces that are pushing you towards or away from particular courses of action. Those forces that come from other persons or from your beliefs about other persons are referred to as social pressure. Theory proposed that a person is like a piece of iron floating in a world where it is influenced to move in various directions by electromagnetic forces from different sources. As a simple example, consider your decision to come to class today. Some forces work to push you towards coming to class, such as your desire to learn psychology and your belief that your parents would be disappointed if you flunked the class. Other forces may push toward different, incompatible goals. For example, your sleep-deprived body may be pushing you towards just staying in bed and going back to sleep, forces from some of your friends may be pushing you towards getting up and going fishing with them, and so on.

I want to emphasize that behavior occurs either for the individual, or in the context of a group and there are many factors, which can influence treatment and how a person will behave depend on environment, biological factors, cognitive processes et cetera.

2010 m. vasario 9 d., antradienis

Psychology studies at Mykolas Romeris university and McGill university

Comparing Mykolas Romeris university with McGill university I wuold like to review some issue which are intresting for me and useful for students who are thinking, which university is better for him or her. In my opinion both universities are good, but which university is better for yuo depend on your wihes. Firstly, I woold like to focus on McGill university.
McGill University is located in downtown Montreal, a cosmopolitan city with diverse linguistic and cultural groups. McGill is an English-language institution with a long and distinguished history in Quebec and Canada. The Department of Psychology is one of the oldest and best known in North America. The department enjoys extensive professional ties with other institutions in Montreal, including English and French universities, schools, hospitals, and social service centres.
Why do students from over 150 countries come to McGill?
Their reputation is built on strong academics. McGill's 21 faculties and professional schools offer programs in some 300 areas of study.
Their outstanding faculty bring the latest research directly to their students.
The name McGill sparks recognition worldwide and our graduates are prominent in every field of endeavour.
Their international reputation for teaching and research attracts the best and the brightest students and faculty from around the world.
The Department of Psychology offers two full-time, research-intensive graduate program tracks, ultimately leading to a PhD: a program in Experimental Psychology and a program in Clinical Psychology.
The primary objective of the graduate program is to provide an environment in which students develop skills and expertise that will aid them during a professional teaching, research, and possibly clinical career. Success in the program depends up on a student's ability to self manage, organize and use available time and resources provided by the department. In the clinical program there is a substantial course load during the first two years, after which the emphasis shifts to research and professional training.
The Department of Psychology at McGill University is among the oldest in the world.

In comparison, Mykolas Romeris University is a modern and dynamic University seeking to have a well-established position in European higher education. The mission of the University is to educate young people, to amass and nourish intellectual potential, and to train leaders of society capable of creating and implementing innovations, which influence the overall scientific, cultural and technological progress of society.
Mykolas Romeris University fosters autonomy. This allows to independently tailor the content of studies and areas of research, while applying the latest management principles to improve and change one’s activities, taking into account contemporary European higher education development tendencies and the needs of the labour market.
Bachelor’s degree in Psychology offered by the Department of Psychology at Mykolas Romeris University. It gives students a comprehensive general coverage of the central topics of psychology. Courses provide students with the knowledge of research, theories, and their applications in psychology. The programme also gives an opportunity for some specialization through the optional courses. Students of psychology become sought-after professionals due to their ability to understand human behavior, collect, analyze, and interpret data, master statistics and experimental design. They also develop the competences to apply gained knowledge in pursuing their personal and professional goals. The primary mission of Bachelor’s degree programme in Psychology is to provide a quality education prepares students to enter a broad range of careers in psychology and related fields.